Sunday, July 03, 2005


Paddy-Go-Easy Pass and Sprite Lake, Alpine Lakes Wilderness

Alex Jones, Bella and I headed up the Salmon La Sac road in the Cle Elum River valley to do this hike. Alex was interested in scouting out a route over to the French Potholes underneath the Red Cliffs of Paddy-Go-Easy Pass, but no bootpath was obvious. Nonetheless, Sprite Lake was a scenic pond and the hike up was relatively interesting, albeit up, up, up. The view from Sprite Lake looks over to "The Cradle" which was a quite impressive peak. We also found some old mine tailings (small) in the Sprite Lake basin.

Distance: 7.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 2700'
Weather: Sunny, warm 70s
Dog Rating: Bella liked the lake, although there were lots of bugs there. It got pretty warm in the afternoon heading down.

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