Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Johnston Canyon and Ink Pots, Banff National Park
This was our first hike in the Canadian Rockies, chosen because of its relatively short length and limited vertical gain (gotta get acclimated to the altitude!). The trail begins as a paved path through a slot canyon cut through limestone. Apparently there was a large landslide 10,000 years ago or so that diverted the course of a stream which ended up carving out this canyon. Eventually the paved pathway ended and we walked on a wide dirt path (old road?) through a scrubby forest. Finally we started to head downhill and the forest opened up to reveal mountains and the inkpots. The inkpots are a set of springs that reflect different hues of blue and green. I liked the mountains springing up in the background of the springs.
Vertical Gain:
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 50s
Dog Rating: I hate you guys (stuck at kennel)