Sunday, September 10, 2006
Mount Monadnock State Park, NH
Sara needed to work, and dogs aren't allowed, so I went solo on a trip up Mount Monadnock in southern New Hampshire. I decided to try a non-standard route, as the main route up is apparently a super-highway of hikers. I headed up the White Dot trail, turned right on the Cascade Link trail, and then ascended the Red Spot trail to the Pumpelly Trail and the summit. The Red Spot doesn't screw around in climbing Monadnock and there were some steep sections scrambling up rock faces. But open ledges with views were quickly reached. At the top there were a ton of people who had climbed up the White Dot trail. I found a nice spot sheltered from the wind and enjoyed lunch while looking out to Mt Wachusetts, Quabbin Reservoir, and the Boston skyline. I decided to descend via the Marlboro trail. The going was pretty steep and slow, and I needed to find the Marian connector trail to get back to the parking lot. I had missed a couple of other similar connector trail so I was a bit nervous about finding the trail. Never to fear, the junction was well marked. The way home from there was a nice easy stroll through the woods along a brook and by some old stone walls.
Distance: 5 miles???
Elevation Gain: 1800 ft